Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Top Ten Random Thoughts for Today

  1. Oh My LORD but I couldn't be a stay-at-home dad!
  2. See, when the light is flashing yellow, it means you can drive slowly through without stopping.
  3. Why didn't I work from home today? Oh yeah, see #1.
  4. Even your favorite songs grow tiresome when you listen to them every day in the gym. (OK, every other day)
  5. Mother earth made children difficult on purpose so as to keep us from over-populating the planet. But that damn Prozac usurped her power and now look at us!
  6. Truth be told, I'd rather rent a motel room and catch up on the movies I've not seen, rather than go out and hang with friends at a party. That's sad :(
  7. That first cup of coffee that comes out of the drip thingy is lukewarm and bitter. But it's better than the cotton mouth I woke up with.
  8. Choosing to be a parent not only obligates you to your children; it also obligates you to your children's children. Now SUCK IT UP and come help us with the kids!
  9. Where's my landscaper?
  10. My IM friend said something that, albeit truthful, was also mean, and I'm not talking to her right now.

1 comment:

Pam said...

Perhaps I'll make of point of only commenting in haiku:

Your list numbers 10,
But I think you forgot one:
Cheese, and lots of it.