Friday, July 15, 2005

"Grand Theft" of Our Rights

Who cares if adult males can sit at home and watch CGI characters perform sexual acts on each other? Is it really any of our business what people do in their own homes?

I’m speaking of course, about the video game “Grand Theft Auto” and the hacked download that allows certain features of the game to be unlocked. I haven’t seen them, but these features are supposedly sexual in nature. As I understand it, these features were not built into the game by the developers, even though the game already carries an “M” (Mature) rating and should therefore be allowed to include whatever content it wants.

So, we have a game rated for “Mature” audiences, which means it should only be played by adults, and we have Senator Clinton requesting an investigation into the download. She has now proposed a $90 million investigation (yes, another one) into the effects of violence in video games on children.

Ignoring the fact that $90 million could feed every homeless person in America for the rest of their life, why is there an investigation into something that only adults are “supposed” to be able to access anyway? Now, being a Christian conservative, I don’t agree with sexual acts in video games, but my take on it is to not purchase the product. It’s that simple.

People, if you don’t like something, then don’t purchase it, don’t play, don’t endorse it in any way. But for the love of all things free and holy, don’t take that freedom away from other people. The founders of this country were conservative beyond belief, but even still, they created a document that gave everyone freedom regardless of whether or not those freedoms flew in the face of the drafter’s personal beliefs. They set aside their personal feelings so that you and I could be free to do as we please.

People like Senator Clinton want to take those freedoms away from us and impose their own personal prejudices on the collective. It’s unnecessary and it’s unwanted. We have laws in place for reasons. If the intent of those laws, in this case the intent being to ensure that only adults view certain material, are not respected, the what’s the point in having the law?

I urge Senator Clinton and her GOP associates to drop this line of pursuit and let people look, read and speak what they want.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Who titles their blog every day? I mean, who's that creative? Especially when there's a running theme.

Anyway, this is the first in a series in what is sure to become the same as it was. Ha!
One would never guess I write for a living. But it's like the guy I've got working on my house. He's a good carpenter and he's always busy; but he bought a new house six months ago and hasn't done a darn thing to it. We're always too busy for ourselves.

So here's the backstory: I'm a 32 year-old male living in the NW suburbs of Atlanta, GA. I've been married for 5 years and I have one son (16 mnths). I recently finishing going back to college and am now back in the work force and absolutely no time for anything and I feel absolutely miserable about it.

Sound familiar? Good. You'll enjoy yourself here - if nothing else, at least you'll find a kindred spirit.

Monday, February 21, 2005

I "liked" Bush

Have I mentioned I'm a Republican? Oh yes:
  1. I believe taxes aught to be used for general societal improvements and emergency relief for those "truly" less fortunate
  2. I believe more government regulation = less personal freedom
  3. I believe Rush Limbaugh is a pompous Ass, but correct more often than not, and I am therefore an avid fan. Although I also believe he's gotten too big for his own britches and puts too many commercial breaks in his show
  4. I believe public education is an oxymoron (albeit I'm a product of it)
  5. too more to list

Given the above, it's probably no surprise that I voted for Bush. But like many, I believe, I'm finding it less easy to support him. As an ex-Air Force airman, I understand the need for war, and here's one place where I'm in total agreement with our decision to go to war in Iraq.

However, this whole, "let's screw the Democrats by playing their game better than even they do," is just getting out of hand.

My one caveat to all this is that as an ex-military person who had a TS/SCI clearance, there is a whole lot the average person doesn't know, and quite frankly, doesn't need to know. But, a little explanation for some of Pres. Bush's actions would be nice.

Stupid Tsunami Relief!

It really must some kind of day when I'm posting two bloggs. Blame others who have eye-catching titles to pique my mind into remembering something I wanted to say to someone other than my wife.

OK, is it just me, or is anyone else "Enough with the Tsunami Relief already!"?

How much money has the world pledged? 200 Billion? That's steep I guess, but my question is, how much value was actually lost (I mean in monetary, not human-life measurements) versus how much the countries of the world are foisting on them?

Seriously, if you took the GDP of all the areas hit and added it up, then add together how much money it would cost to put 20,000 people to work making mud for buildings, and is it really necessary for the U.S. to donate another $500 million just to keep world journalists from pissing on our good name?

Here's a secret: "They're going to hate us no matter how much money we donate."

It's a bit like my family (natural and in-law) who labor under the pretense that we (and in this context I metaphorically mean "we" to mean "all Americans") have more money than God and therefore couldn't possibly use any help with, say...daycare! No please, take some of that money I paid into the tax system, and instead of fixing the sliding pavement on my street, mail it over for the Tsunami Relief.

I could expound on this more, but I think Matt Reid does a fine job here

On Presidential Holidays and the Like

This morning, I left the house a few minutes earlier than usual so I could drop by and let my in-laws' dog out to pee. I'm not sure she did actually, as I had to go pee. When I came back, the dog was standing by the door - slightly farther away than when I left her, so I don't know if she did her 'biz' and came back, or if she never left to begin with.

Anyway, without all the yahoos on the road, it being Presidents day and all, I zipped to work in record time.

Which reminds me, "I HATE ATLANTA." For many reasons, but traffic is high on my list. Add to that the compete lack of outdoor activities and places to hold outdoor activities and you have a very un-fitness friendly city.

Have I officially blogged enough for today? I always wonder. I think I'll change my font...

I like verdana better, except that it makes your letters seem so BIG!

Here's a question for all you dads out there: At what point after having children do you stop feeling guilty for doing yardwork and such while your wife "deals" with the baby?

I ask because that's exactly how I feel every weekend when I'm out doing things that need doing, like: car washing, lawn mowing, general cleanup etc...

Looking back, I'm really not ready to be a dad. Too late sucker!