Monday, February 21, 2005

Stupid Tsunami Relief!

It really must some kind of day when I'm posting two bloggs. Blame others who have eye-catching titles to pique my mind into remembering something I wanted to say to someone other than my wife.

OK, is it just me, or is anyone else "Enough with the Tsunami Relief already!"?

How much money has the world pledged? 200 Billion? That's steep I guess, but my question is, how much value was actually lost (I mean in monetary, not human-life measurements) versus how much the countries of the world are foisting on them?

Seriously, if you took the GDP of all the areas hit and added it up, then add together how much money it would cost to put 20,000 people to work making mud for buildings, and is it really necessary for the U.S. to donate another $500 million just to keep world journalists from pissing on our good name?

Here's a secret: "They're going to hate us no matter how much money we donate."

It's a bit like my family (natural and in-law) who labor under the pretense that we (and in this context I metaphorically mean "we" to mean "all Americans") have more money than God and therefore couldn't possibly use any help with, say...daycare! No please, take some of that money I paid into the tax system, and instead of fixing the sliding pavement on my street, mail it over for the Tsunami Relief.

I could expound on this more, but I think Matt Reid does a fine job here

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