Thursday, April 12, 2007

No really, I'm gonna replant!

I've been going on to people at work--because they're the only people I talk to other than my in-home family--about my errant landscaper. He's fairly young and inexperienced, so yes, the term "landscaper" is a bit generous. Let's call him "my yard guy." That might more appropriately represent his help to me.

At any rate, he did show up after not showing up the first day and then not showing up until late the second day, oh and then not showing up yesterday despite having told me that even if it rains he has covers he can work under. Riiiiight.

Here's pretty much all he's done this week:

See all that blank area in front of the house on both sides of the door? Well, if you look closely, you'll see stumps from the shrubs that were there previously. He hacked those out with some power hackers that he was very proud of ("These cost $400!"). He said he'd return the next day with a stump grinder, but I've not seen him since.

However, I do have my plant material that he's purchased for me (below). I'd have hoped to have something a bit larger on the Japanese Maple, but they do get pricey. I got a "Waterfall' variety for in front of the house and a Sango Kaku for the top of the yard and a Seiryu for the far right side.

Can you believe that tiny little pile of rocks cost me $70? I had to go get those myself from Pike Nurseries Stone Center here in town.

So, work is being done, just not too often. The dirt is supposed to be delivered today, but he has to build a small timber retaining wall before he can place all the dirt, so I'm sure I'll be looking at a big pile o' dirt for a few days.

But I'm confident it'll look good when he's done and if not, well, at least I'll have all the materials there to fix it myself. :)

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