Sunday, July 29, 2007

Blue / Pink / Indifferent?

It's amazing how quickly one can accept a situation and begin making plans for it, even if that situation goes against everything you've been planning up till that point in life.
My wife got up this morning and announced that she was terribly nauseous. Now, we've been pretty careful with the "relations" since our last son was born, but there might have been a time or two that our teenage years crept up on us and we excused off the hassle and just went with the moment.
With a "Do you think the drugstore is open yet?" she was out the door on a mission to get a pregnancy test. When she came home, she went straight upstairs and faster than I thought the test could return results, she comes back downstairs and says, "We're not pregnant."
Now, I know a lot of people think babies are Gods little gift and so on and so forth, but gift or no, I am not prepared for another baby. I was feeling pretty confident she might be pregnant though based both on today's little episode and a week or two of her feeling a tad on the puny side. In my head, even as I was lamenting, "Oh my LORD what're we gonna do?" I was also planning out how long it would take me to finish off a couple of rooms in my basement so we could still have a guest room if we had to turn our current upstairs guest room into a nursery.
Thank goodness no such plans will be necessary.
Apparently, she only has a tummy bug as she has slept literally all day and thus far neither myself nor the boys have any symptoms (which is suspect considering everyone I know who's had this, has also passed it to their entire household in a matter of hours). I've been careful to keep the boys generally away from her all day so if we're lucky, it'll stop with her. Of course, with the exception of my recent fishing trip, I just don't throw up. Stomach bugs don't affect me for some reason, so I'm not a good gauge of a bug's possibilities.
At any rate, today's over and now I can relax for a bit before my week begins.
And I can guaran-darn-tee that the next time the moment feels right, I'll be puttin' on my hat.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hats are always in good taste, I hear.