Monday, June 18, 2007

A Father's Day Miracle!

To the tune of "Oh Tannenbaume"...

"Oh Father's Day, Oh Father's Day
Damn I'm tired and wanna sleep!"

Why is it, that for Mother's Day, all you hear about is "Give Mom a break this Mother's Day" and all you hear about for Father's Day is, "Get Dad a new grill for Father's Day," or "Get Dad what he really wants this Father's Day...a new lawnmower."

Why does mom get a "break" and dad gets more work to do? Folks, "time's aren't a-changin" they've already changed. Every father I know under the age of 40 is actively involved in their family. We don't come home from work and lounge around on the sofa demanding that our home-bound honey's cook us dinner. More times than not, we're cooking dinner.

Look, I'm not complaining. For Father's Day this year, I got a beautiful shirt and a gift-certificate to "Bass Pro Shops (BPS)." The catch being of course, that about the only time I'll have to use what I purchase from BPS is during our family "Vacation" when there are 39 of us all enjoying ourselves together on the beach. Yes, not a misprint (39 of us. 30+ in one house and the rest spilling over into a condo).

Oh, that sounds relaxing!

But what I really want is the public to finally admit that dads aren't jerk-off layabouts who only want to park it in front of the big-screen and ignore their family (OK, maybe sometimes I DO want to do that, but the difference is, I make a choice not to).

But back to the title, "A Father's Day Miracle"...the miracle being that when we got up on Saturday, rather than spending the weekend at home, we made a rash decision to drive 3.5 hours to Tennessee to see my mom. I know...crazy as it sounds...we actually made an unplanned trip!! A first since having chillen!

It turned out well and we had a good time, but that 3.5 hour car trip made the 8 hour car trip we have coming up in three weeks seems like an ice-cream sundae. Can someone just kill me now?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know you don't realize it and yes, you're probably right about the hands-on fathers of today, but you are much, much more of an involved parent than most men.
And yes, you do deserve some time off. Every good parent does. It makes for better parenting anyway when Dad and Mom are not so stressed out.
As for 8 hours in a car with two wee ones.....well, all I can say is, God be with you. That and a great set of earphones.